What’s in the box

Besides the physical edition of the game and the individual goodies for it, every box includes a uniquely numbered Certificate and a three trading cards. To make it more interesting, there are also 150 special trading cards, that are randomly spread amongst the boxes.

Manufactured Quantity

Since collectors desire full transparency on numbers, here is a full breakdown of how many units we produce vs. how many we ship:

Starting with Bridge Constructor Portal, the quantity manufactured is exactly 3,000 units per game for the Nintendo Switch release. Out of this, we are offering 2,500 units per the Gamefairy web shop. Of the remaining 500 units, around 400 units are mainly used for event sales such as PAX or MAG and the rest cover our need for a few samples internally, for replacements, for the developers, to send to Nintendo for their archives and to promote the game to websites and creators specifically covering physical editions. Additionally we are now also offering PC Limited Editions, which will be 1,000 units per game.

Currently we are planning to keep the amount for all productions as laid out above. If we feel that the demand is much higher for future editions, we might raise the initial number and will update the site accordingly. However, there will be no second print runs once the initial quantity for an edition has been set.

What is the Legacy Stock?

In our section of Legacy Stock, you can purchase the remaining units of our previous editions for PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch. These have a different packaging compared to the new editions and come with a lot of cool swag, but as we are introducing a new product line starting with Bridge Constructor Portal for Nintendo Switch, we do not want to mix these in our web shop sections. The number on most of these items is limited and we will not manufacture any more of them, make sure to grab them while you still can. These games were produced to be sold on our site and at gaming events and not as a limited item, however in retrospect we realize that on many items this quantity is much lower than “limited” items in the market.

Supported platforms

For the time being we are only manufacturing games for Nintendo Switch / Switch Lite and PC in our main Collector’s line. Depending on demand, we might expand this in the future, and will make sure to let you know about this. We also have some future surprises up our sleeve when it comes to niche platforms.

Why do people from other countries see different prices on the store?

Due to international tax regulations, we need to include VAT in some countries, and for other we do not. As our store shows the prices including VAT, different pricing might appear depending on the indiviudal location.

I thought you guys are based in Germany – why are your prices in USD?

Currently our system only supports showing one currency. As the main bulk of buyers comes from the United States, we decided to use USD as base currency. We will try to update the system over time to reflect local currencies.

How to get in touch

We have many communication channels, but the most reliable is either by e-mail or by joining our community on Discord.

Please use:
contact@gamefairy.io – for general inquiries
support@gamefairy.io – for any trouble with a placed order
submit@gamefairy.io – if you are a developer who’d like to get his game into our edition portfolio
wish@gamefairy.io – Just make a wish